Former officer would have been dismissed after today's hearing  - The Leamington Observer

Former officer would have been dismissed after today's hearing 

Leamington Editorial 14th Jun, 2024   0

A DISCIPLINARY hearing today (Friday) determined that a former Warwickshire Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) would have been dismissed for the misuse of police systems and lying about the use of his work laptop while on sick leave.

The ex-PCSO accessed his work laptop without permission during his sick leave in 2022 and subsequently lied about it when confronted by his supervisor.

The investigation revealed that the former PCSO also accessed confidential police systems and shared sensitive information with an unauthorised third party.

This breach of protocol and trust was found to violate five standards of professional behaviour under the Code of Ethics: honesty and integrity, orders and instructions, confidentiality, work and responsibilities, and discreditable conduct.

Detective Superintendent Paul Thompson, head of the force’s Professional Standards Department (PSD), said: “As police officers and staff, we are expected to always act with integrity.

“To disobey a direct order is one thing, but to lie about it shows a complete lack of integrity. Police officers and staff have access to a lot of sensitive information and data.

“They are all fully aware this should only be accessed and shared if they have a specific policing purpose to do so.

“We regularly audit systems to check they are being accessed appropriately, and where they are not, we will take action.”


Det. Supt. Thompson added: “In so many ways, this PCSO has failed to live up to the standards of professional behaviour the public expect from their police force.

“Hopefully, our communities can be reassured by the investigation and the action taken.”

The former PCSO had already resigned from the force before the hearing, but the disciplinary panel concluded that he would have been dismissed had he still been in service.

Additionally, he has been placed on the College of Policing barred list, effectively preventing him from any future employment within the police force.

The hearing, chaired by Superintendent Steve Beard, underlined the importance of integrity and adherence to the ethical standards expected of police personnel. The outcome of this hearing is subject to an appeals process.

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