Police appeal following alleged robbery at Leamington convenience store - The Leamington Observer

Police appeal following alleged robbery at Leamington convenience store

Leamington Editorial 6th Jun, 2024   0

POLICE are appealing for information following an alleged robbery at a convenience store in Leamington.

At around 2:30pm on June 3, a man entered a convenience shop on Stanley Court and allegedly proceeded to threaten a member of staff.

The man was described as a white male wearing a black coat with hood up and a black balaclava, blue gloves, and carrying a blue bag for life.

He reportedly lifted his shirt to reveal a bladed weapon and instructed the staff member to put “everything” into his bag.

After allegedly loading the bag with money and cigarettes, the suspect then reportedly exited the store and cycled away.

Anyone who was in the area and has information which could help with police investigations should report it online at www.warwickshire.police.uk/report or by phone on 101.

Information can also be reported anonymously through CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org


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